Honors College

Director: Gene Young, Ph.D. (936) 294-1477
Associate Director: Kimberly Bell, Ph.D. (936) 294-1437
Assistant Director: Maria Holmes, M.Ed. (936) 294-4157
Assistant Director: Patrick Lewis, Ph.D. (936) 294-3397

Information: Academic Building IV, corner of Avenue I and Bowers Boulevard; Box 2479,
Huntsville, TX 77341-2479; Telephone: (936) 294-1477; Fax: (936) 294-1090

Website: http://honors.shsu.edu

The Elliott T. Bowers Honors College exists for the benefit of highly motivated and academically talented undergraduate students at Sam Houston State University. The Honors College provides these achievement-oriented individuals with some financial support, an opportunity to interact with other highly motivated students, special course offerings leading to a broad, interdisciplinary educational experience, limited-enrollment classes, closer contact with  highly productive faculty, the opportunity to participate in advanced registration (and other benefits), and access to distinctively designed facilities, including Spivey House, the Honors residence hall on campus, an Honors lounge, and Honors computer lab.  Honors students also enjoy a variety of cultural and social outings and events—on campus and off—throughout the academic year.

The honors student earns honors credit in a variety of specially designated classes or contracted courses, and works toward the distinction of graduating “With Honors” or “With Highest Honors.” To qualify for graduation “With Honors,” a student must have been a participant in good standing in the Honors College and have completed 24 hours of honors credit, including participation in two interdisciplinary honors seminars.  NOTE: Of these 24 hours, 18 are courses which will apply to a student's regular graduation requirements. To qualify for graduation “With Highest Honors” a student must, in addition, complete a six-hour senior thesis in an approved discipline under the direction of a faculty member of his/her choice.

To be considered for admission to the Honors College, either when first entering SHSU or as a continuing SHSU student, a student must make special application to the Honors College Office. Incoming freshmen are eligible for consideration if they have a composite SAT I score (Critical Reading + Math) of 1200 or above, a composite ACT score of 27 or above, or have graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school class. For transfer or continuing SHSU students, eligibility is based upon a college cumulative GPA of 3.4 or better. Admission is competitive. Selections are determined via a comprehensive review of each completed application. Once accepted into the Honors College, a student must maintain a 3.25 SHSU grade point average in order to continue participation in the Honors College.

Honors Seminars are designed to provide unique, broadly integrative, interdisciplinary educational experiences to all Elliott T. Bowers Honors students.  These courses are highly interactive between professors and students and will generally involve student presentations.  These and other educational initiatives provide Honors students with a rich and challenging interdisciplinary learning environment.

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